
Showing posts from November 1, 2020


DRUG-RECEPTOR INTERACTION &  PHARMACODYNAMICS DO YOU KNOW ABOUT DR INTERACTIONS AND ITS WORKING ? Ligand :  small molecule that binds to a site on protein receptor---it is drug/natural  molecule/sec.messenger  Receptors Classification  1) Ligand-gated ion receptor=binding of ligand to receptor  e.g stimulation of nicotine receptor by Ach (Acetylcholine) binding results in Na+ influx,  generation of action potential,contraction of skeletal muscle BZD(benzodiazeoine) enhance stimulation of GABA, CI- influx, hyperpolarization  Very rapid response, few millisecond  2) G-Protein coupled receptor= linked to G-protein(Gs,Gi etc) ----having 3 subunits(α, β, γ)--- ligand bind to receptor---activation of G-protein---GTP replace GDP on α subunit---activate sec- messenger---produce further action in cell  e.g activation of Adenylyl Cyclase by α-GTP----production of cAMP---regulates protein  phosphorylation. G-protein also activate the Phosp...

Pharmacokinetic (Absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination)

must read the bold points what happens when you eat a pill ? Pharmacokinetics :  describe drug absorption, distribution, metbolism and elimination  Routes of drug administration:  1) Omeprazole are acid unstable, enteric-coated preparation. 2) Aspirin have irritating effects on stomach, enteric-coated preparation  3) t1/2 of Morphine is 2-4 hours, oral morphine need 6 times in 24hrs, need extended release  preparation  4) nitroglycerein is sublingual  5) Atracurium, neuromuscular blocker, i/v administered, not absorbed orally  6) I/V bolus: full amount of a drug is delivered to the systemic circulation almost immediately 7) I/V infusion: full amount of drug administered slowly during a long time  8) Depot preparation: suspension of drug in a non-aqueous vehicle such as polyethylene glycol  e.g Erythromycin, haloperidol(anti-psychotic/neuroleptic),medroxyprogesterone(contraceptive)  9) sub-cutaneous: Epinephrine ,Lidocaine , ins...