OPIOIDS - Opiate Education: Key Points for the Pharmacist
Pain =unpleasant sensation acute or chronic consequence of neurochemical processin the peripheral and CNS. Opioids are natural or synthetic compounds that prodce Morphine-like effect Opioids Receptors= Protein receptors in CNS ,periphery and GIT..μ(mu), k(kappa), δ(delta) .. Morphine= Prototype, high affinity for μ receptor MOA= inhibit Adenylyl cyclase..increase K+ ion ..hyperpolarization..decrease Ca++influx ..Morphine act at k receptor in spinal cord & decrease Substance P..modulate pain ACTIONS= Analgesic by rising pain threshold in spinal cord & altering pain perception in brain...Euphoria..Respiratory Depression..Depression of Cough reflexes..Miosis(pin point pupil)....Emesis by stimulating CTZ..decrease GIT movement..Dilate CSF so contra in Brain injury..Histamine release..increase Growth hormone.. Prolong Labor T.E= induce Sleep...treatment of Diarrhea...Relief of Cough...treatment of Acute Pulmonary Edema P.K= linear P.K..First pass met..Morphine-6-Glucuronide p...