Mycobacteria rod shaped, lipid-rich cell wall, satin poorly with Gram stain, but once stained , walls cannot decolorized easily so called “Acid-Fast”. Most common bacteria Tuberculosis…Diagnosed by Tuberclin-Skin test with PPD (Purified protein derivative) or by IGRA (interferon Gamma Releas essay), Quntiferon-TB Gold. Chemotherapy for Tuberculosis Mycobacteria tuberculosis caused Tuberculosis i.e infection of lungs, genitourinary tract,Skeleton, Meninges. 👉 Organism grow slowly, difficult to culture, take 6month to 2yr for treatment. Stratgies to address Drug Resistance: combination of “First-line” initial short-course for 2month with Isoniazid,Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide…… then “continuation phase” Isoniazid & Rifampicin for 4 months. DOT progaramme “Directly Observed Therapy” pt. observed when take medicine to↓resistance. Isoniazid (Bacteriostatic /Bactericidal) Hydrozyde of Isonicotinic acid...synthetic analogue of Pyridoxine… MOA: ...