
Showing posts from December 6, 2020

Anti Viral Drugs (part 1/2) - respiratory viral infection , hepatic viral infectio with treatment option from lipincott review

  Treatment of Respiratory Virus Infection Influenza A & B, RSV(Respiratoy syncytial virus) involved in Respiratory infection Neuroaminidase inhibitor Orthomyxovirus cause Influenza contain Neuroaminidase …essential for life cycle… Oseltamivir & Zanamivir  Sialic acid analogue… ϴNeuroaminidase,prevent release of virion & their spread….Active against Influenza A & B Oseltamivir orally prodrug…zanamivir intranasally, cotra in COPD, Asthma Inhibitor of Viral coating Amantadine & Rimantadine= only Influenza A virus….Block Viral memb. Protein M2...which act as channel for Hydrogen ion…required for fusion of viral memb with cell memb.  👍To form ENDOSOME…acidic environment require S.E= Embryotoxic… used catiously in patient with Seizure, Athersclrosis, Psychiatric  Ribavirin Synthetic Guanosine analogue… used for RNA, DNA viruses… used in children with  RSV effective in Chronic Hepatitis… not indicated in Adults with RSV… MOA:  convert into ...

Anthelmintic Drugs Lipincott And kadzung Review for screening test and interview preparation

  Drugs for Nematode  Mebendazole   DOC in infections of Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), Pinworm(Entrobius vermicularis), Hookworm (Necator americanus), Roundworm(Ascaris lumbricoides)  MOA bind to Parasite‟s microtubules…↓Glucose uptake.. Parasite expel with feces… Embryotoxic & Teratogenic Pyrantal Pamoate Depolarizing agent..Neuromuscular blocker...Paralyzed parasite  Thiabendazole 👍used in Strongloidiasis & Trichinosis…interefer with microtubules…  ❌contraindicated in pregnancy  Ivermectin DOC in Onchocerciasis (river blindness) by O.vulvulus….↑CI- influx…  Hyperpolarization, paralysis of Parasite… Contraindicated in Meningitis, Pregnancy 👉Killing of Microfilaria result in Mazotti-like reaction (fever, hypotension,headache)  Diethylcarbamazepine used in Filariasis…. S.E anthralgia, Myalgia, Leukocytosis.

Anti Protozoal part 2/2

  Drugs for Trypansomiasis  Trypansomiasis  Trypansomiasis is  African sleeping sickness & American sleeping sicknesss caused by Trypanosoma. African sleeping sickness  African sleeping sickness caused by T.Bruci Gambiense & T.brucie rhodiense… initially live in the blood then invade CNS….inflammation of Brain & spinal cord…continuous sleep  Amrican sleeping sickness = called Chagas disease….By T.cruzi Malarsoprol Trivalent arsenical… react with Sulfahydryl group of enzyme & various substance… cell death ….Cross CSF... DOC in T.bruci rhodiense & Meningoencephalitis by T.bruci ghambiense S.E:  Hymolytic anemia... contra in patient with Influenza.. Pentavalent arsenic excrete Pentamidine Isothionate Used for Hematologic state… not penetrate in CSF… used in Blastomycosis, Pneumocystis, pneumonia in HIV pt.  Leishmaniasis MOA enter by energy dependent high affinity uptake sys... bind to DNA,RNA, Protein & interfere with thei...

Important MCQS of Pharmacology for screening test (From lipincott and kadzung)

Important mcqs for screening test of AKUH, GAT and NTS. Physostigmine is parasympathomimetic drug act as cholinesterase Inhibitors, indicated for chronic management of Myasthenia gravis. Duration of action is intermediate i.e 3 to 8 hours .