ARENERGIC BLOCKER/SYMPATHOLYTICS Bind to adrenoreceptors reversibly or irreversibly, preventing its activation by endogenous catecholamine. CLASSIFICATION α Blockers Phenoxybenzamine , Phentolamine, Prazocin, Terazocin, Doxazocin, Yohimbine, Alfuzosin, Tamsulosin β Blockers Propranolol, Metoprolol, Acebutolol, Atenolol, Betaxolol, Bisoprolol, Carteolol, Carvedilol, Esmolol, Labetalol, Nadolol, Nebivolol, Penbutolol, Pindolol, Timolol Inhibiting reuptake or release Guanethidine, Reserpine Phenoxybenzamine: non-selective, α1 & α2 blocker, irreversible, non-competitive, MOA: covalently block the α1 & α2 adrenoreceptor..action last about 24hrs..body has to synthesize new receptor to overcome this block.. Actions: vasodilation..decreased peripheral resistance provoke Reflex Tachycardia… Not used in Hypertension b/c its blockade release more nor-epinephrine which stimulate β receptor…. Epinephrine Reversal b/c by blocking α adrenoreceptor it bloc...