Anti Protozoal part 2/2
Drugs for Trypansomiasis
Trypansomiasis is African sleeping sickness & American sleeping sicknesss caused by Trypanosoma.
African sleeping sickness
African sleeping sickness caused by T.Bruci Gambiense & T.brucie rhodiense…
initially live in the blood then invade CNS….inflammation of Brain & spinal cord…continuous sleep
Amrican sleeping sickness= called Chagas disease….By T.cruzi
Malarsoprol Trivalent arsenical… react with Sulfahydryl group of enzyme & various substance… cell death ….Cross CSF...
DOC in T.bruci rhodiense & Meningoencephalitis by T.bruci ghambiense
Hymolytic anemia...
contra in patient with Influenza..
Pentavalent arsenic excrete
Pentamidine Isothionate
Used for Hematologic state…
not penetrate in CSF…
used in Blastomycosis,
Pneumocystis, pneumonia in HIV pt.
enter by energy dependent high affinity uptake sys...
bind to DNA,RNA, Protein & interfere with their synthesis
Renal dysfunction, toxicity of β-cell of Pancreas…Aerosol form Nifurtimox
Used for Chagas disease by T.cruzi….
Nitro-aromatic compound produce Superoxide & Hydrogen peroxide…toxic to T.cruzi lack catalase….S.E; Peripheral neuropathy
For prophylaxis of African Trypansomia….involved in Energy metabolism…
Photphobia, Palpebral edema (edema of eyelid), Hyperesthesia of hand, feet
ϴ Protein synthesis...Nitro-imidazole… use prophylaxis for hematopoietic stem cell
transplant recipient infection by T.cruzi
Drugs for Leishminiasis
Cutaneous, Mucocutaneouus, Visceral (liver, spleen)
Leishminia….transmitted from animal to the bite of Sandfly
Lifecycle of Leishminia specie
Sandfly transfer Flagellated Promastigote of Protozoa….
Phhagocytozed by Macrophages into non-flagellated Mastigote…
multiply, kill the cell
Sodium Stibogluconate
Pentavalent antimonial… reduce to trivalent antimonial…ϴGlycolysis in Phosphofructokinase reaction…
Drugs for Toxoplasmosis
By Toxoplasma gondii…
transmitted by infected meat…
Sulfasalazine & Pyrimethamine DOC in Toxoplasmosis…
Leucovorin administers to protect Folated deficiency
Drugs for Giardiasis
Giardia limbia cause Giardiasis…
two stages
1.Binucleate Trophozoite with 4 flagella…
2.Four nucleate Cyst….transmitted from infected water,…
Trphozoite exist in small intestine…divide by Binary fission
DOC is Metronidazole…tinidazole also used…Nitrozoxamide a nitrothiazole similar to
Aspirin….2 day short-course
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