Anti viral Drugs Review from lipincott - Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor NRTI, Non-Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor NNRTI for HIV Infection , HIV Protease Inhibitors ,Entery Inhibitors ,Integrase inhibitor ( part 2/2)
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor NRTI
Zidovudine approved in 1987
used to Suppress Replication of HIV & Restore no.of CD4+ cells in AIDS patients
HAART=”Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy” include NRTI, NNRTI, Protease Inhibitor, Entry Inhbitor, Integrase Inhbitor
e.g 2NRTIs + 1Prot.Inhibitor OR 1NNRTI+1Integrase inhibitor
👉NRTI are RiboNucleoside analogue…lack 3-OH...Enter the cell convert into TriPhosphate…incorporate into Viral DNA by Reverse transcriptase….
b/c 3-OH not present, 3,5-Phosphodiester bond not fromed in Nucleoside Triphosphate...Terminate Elongation of DNA
1. HIV enters into cell→Maraviroc (Entery Inhibitor) block entery of HIV
2. Enfuvirtide (Entery In.) block FUSION of HIV & Host memb Viral RNA→═Viral DNA by Reverse Transcriptase, NRTI & NNRTI Ï´ this enzyme
═Viral DNA integrate with ═Host DNA Integrase Inhibitor Ï´ this process
≈Integrated Viral DNA convert into Viral RNA & Precursor Polyprotein,
Precursor Protein→Viral protein →Mature Virion, Protease Inhibitor Ï´ this process
S.E OF NRTI= Neuropathy, Pancreatitis, Lipoatrophy b/c suppress Mitochondrial DNA polymerase….Lactic acidosis, Hepatomegaly
Resistance= mutation at Viral codon 184
3 . Zidovudine (AZT, ZDV) = AZT for children & Pregnancy HIV infection
4. Stavudine (d4T) = Thymidine analogue…ϴβ & γDNA polymerase
5. Didanosine (ddl) =Second drug approved for HIV-1 infection…2, 3-OH absent….
6. Tenofovir (TDF) =first Nucleotide analogue for HIV
7. Emtricitabine (FTC) =Flouro derivative of Lamivudine…For HIV & HBV…39hr half life…
S.E; Hyperpigmentation, Fatty liver, lactic acidosis
8. Zalcitabine= removed from market
9. Abacavir=Guanosine analogue…Sensitized individual Never Rechallenged…HLA genetic test for Hypersensitivity
Non-Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor NNRTI for HIV Infection
Highly selective, Lack Host cell effect, lack Cross- resistance
1ST Generation NNRTI
1. Nevirapine= not used in Men <4000 CD4+ cells/mm3…not used in women <250 CD4+ cell/mm3….no need of Intracellular Activation of Phosphorylation…↑Vd, cross B.B.B…
Enzyme Inducer…
S.E; Steven Jhonson Syndrome, Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), Hepatotoxicity, ↑LFTS
2. Efavirenz=↑CD4+ cells,↓viral load…99%P.B, 40hr t1/2….Take an Empty stomach…
Enzyme inducer…
S.E; Vivid dream, loss of conc….Avoid in pregnancy
2nd Generation NNRTI
1. Ertavirine= HIV with K103N susceptible…taken with fatty meal…40hr t1/2
HIV Protease Inhibitors
Introduced in 1995…affinity for HIV-1, HIV-2> human protease Renin, Cathepsin D/E …
Substrate for P-glycoprotein…bind to α1-acid Glycoprotein…CYP3A4 substrate
“Buffalo hump” loss of fat from extremeties,accumulate in abdomen & base of neck
1. Ritonavir=”Booster” for other Protease I….S.E; Paresthesia
2.Saquinavir=always with Ritonavir..↑LFTs
3. Indinavir=Shortest t1/2 1.8hr…Acid require for digestion…S.E;stone formation
4. Nelfinavir= only protease not require Boosted dose of Ritonavir
5. Fosamprenavir= Prodrug…B.D used
6. Tipranavir= Black Box warning for “Fatal Hepatitis” & “Intracranial Hemorrhage” useful in “Salvage” reigemen for multidrug resistance
Entery Inhibitors
1. Enfuvirtide=Fusion inhibitor…36-Amino Acid change Viral Glycoprotein gp41…
Reconstituted before administration
2 Maraviroc=Block CCR5-Cotransporter facilitate HIV entery
Integrase inhibitor
1. Raltegravir=Block Integration of viral DNA with Host DNA…Metabolize by UGT1A1 glucuonidation….↑Creatine kinase, Rhabdomylysis, Sucidal ideation.
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