Cardiovascular system Drugs - HEART FAILURE (Chapter 1 / 7)
HF=complex, progressive disorder in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the needs of the body.
Symptoms; Dyspnea, Fatigue, Fluid retention.
Also called” Congestive Heart failure (C.H.F)
Action Potential=
Phase 0:Fast Upstroke:
Na+ channels open (fast channel) resulting in afast inward current ……Sodium current is blocked by Quinidine
Phase l: Repolarization:
inactivation of Na+ channel…K+ channels rapidly open & close…outward current
Phase ll: Plateau:
Voltage sensitive Ca++ channels open…Slow inward current(depolarizing)…. Slow outward current (Polarizing) leak of K+
Phase lll: Repolarization
Ca++ channels close…K+ channels open…outward current lead to repolarization… net gain of Na+ & Loss of K+….corrected by Na+/K+-ATPase
Phase lV: Forward Current
Increase depolarization from gradual increase in sodium….bring the cell to Threshold of next action potential.
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor
Angiotensinogen (α2-globulin in blood)…Renin (in kidney) acton Angiotensinogen & convert into Angiotensin l(inactive)…ACE convert Angiotensin into Angiotensin ll…
MOA=ACEI inhbit ACE and block conversion of Angiotensin l into Angiotensin ll….leads to increase Vasodilation…Decreased output of sympathetic nervous system..
Decrease ALDOSTERONE secretion…decrease retention of Na+ & H2O..
ACEI ϴ degradation of BRADYKININ….Increase level of Bradykinin….vasodilation occur
Actions= decrease PRELOAD & increase AFTERLOAD…increase cardiac output..
T.E= DOC in Left Ventricular Failure & Lowest Ejection Fraction
P.K= food decreases their Absorption…Except for CAPTOPRIL, all are prodrugs…..
Fosinopril only eliminate through Feces, O.D administer
S.E= Hyperkalemia, Dry cough (due to increase level of Bradykinin) , Angioedema,Hypotension, Renal insufficiency
Angiotensin Receptor Blocker
Non-peptide…orally active..Losartan is Prototype..Candesartan have large Vd..
MOA= competitive Antagonist of Angiotensin receptor type 1…complete blockade of Angiotensin action
S.E=same to not produce Cough...Contraindicated in Pregnancy
-Ve ionotropic effect, increase systolic functioning …reverse cardiac remodeling...prevent the changes produced by Sympathetic nervous sys..decrease heart rate & inhibition of Renin..
Carvedilol and Metoprolol= mostly used
Relieve Pulmonary congestion and Peripheral edema… reducing Volume Overload & Venous return…decrease O2 demand…Loop Diuretics mostly used
Direct Vasodilator
Dilation of Venous blood vessels…decrease cardiac preload & increase Venous Capacitance
Dilation of Arterials vessels reduce arteriolar resistance & afterload
Nitrates common vasodilator decrease Preload…Hydralazine reduce Afterload
Ca++ channel blocker should be avoided
Inotropic Drugs
+Ve inotropic agentsenhance Cardiac muscle contractility…increase cardiac output…
Digoxin= obtained from Digitalis Glycoside (Foxglove)…..low therapeutic index
MOA= inhibit Na+/K+ exchange by Na+/K+ ATPase….conc. of intracellular Na+ increases..Conc. gradient across the memb decreases… inceased Na+ conc.
Decreases driving force Na+/Ca++ exchanger…decrease extrusion of Ca++ into extracellular space
more Ca++ inside the cell for contractility
Increases Force of contraction increase cardiac output..decrease end-diastolic Volume..
increase efficiency of contraction(Ejection-fraction)…improved circulation
T.E= Pt. with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction & HF with atrial Fibrillation….do not indicated in Pt. with Diastolic or Right sided HF…
Dobutamine another Inotropic agent , available as Direct Intra Cardiac inj.
P.K=t1/2 of Digoxin 36hr, large Vd, accumulate in Muscle…Dosage based on Lean Body Weight…
S.E= decrease COLOR PERCEPTION...Halos on Dark objects...HYPOKALEMIA.
PhosphoDiesterase Inhibitor= Milrinone & Amrinone inhibit Phosphodiesterase..
increase cAMP…increase Ca++… increase cardiac contractility..
Aldosterone Antagonists
Spiranolactone= direct Antagonist of Aldosterone..prevent salt retention, Myocardial hypertrophy and Hypokalemia…
Eplerenone= competitive Antagonist of Aldosterone at Mineralocorticoid receptor…
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