Pharmacognosy Mcqs with Answers GAT model paper


Select the correct answer out of the given choices
Is Known as father of medicine?
a) Aristotle b) Dioscorides
c) Hippocrates d) Galen
Ans: b
2. Drug is not under the class of organized drug :
 a) Leaves b) flowers
 c) Fruits d) Gums
 Ans: d
3. Drug is not under the seed class :
 a) Nux vomica b) Digitalis 
 c) stropanthus d) Ispgol  
 Ans: b
4. Drug which does not belong to leaves class :
 a) Senna b) Digitalis
 c) Eucalyptus d) turmeric
 Ans: d
5. Drug which does not belong to fruit class :
 a) Artemesia b) fennel
 c) Coriander d) Colocynth
 Ans: a
6. Dried latex of the drug is used, except :
 a) Opium b) Gatta parcha
 c) Papain d) Balsam
 Ans: b
7. The roots of following drugs are effective, except :
a) Rauwolfia b) Ipecacuanha
c) Turmeric d) Aconite
 Ans: d
Leaves of the following drugs are affective, except: 
a) Senna b) Digitalis
c) Clove d) Vasaka
 Ans : c
Entire parts of the following drugs are effective, except: 
a) Ergot b) Belladonna
c) Ephedra d) Clove
Select the drug, which is not belonging to glycoside class?
a) Digitalis b) senna
c) Nux vomica d) Cascara
 Ans: b
select the drug, which is not belonging to tannin class? 
a) Myrobalam d) Pale catechu
c) Ashoka d) Peppermint
 Ans: d       
Drug not belonging to volatile oil class: 
a) Peppermint b) Clove 
c) Castor oil d) Garlic
 Ans : c    
Select the does not belong to tannin class: 
a) Colophony b) Guar gum
c) Acacia d) Agar
Ans : c
Select the drug, which is not showing carminative property?
a) dill b) Mentha
c) senna d) Cardamom
 Ans : a
______ is not used as expectorant. 
a) Ipecacuanha b) Vasaka
c) Liquorice d) atropine
Ans: d
______ is not used as cardiotonics
a) Digitalis b) Cinchona
c) Squill d) Stropanthus
Drugs is used as Antihypertensive :
a) Rauwolfia b) Digitalis
c) squill d) Stropanthus
 Ans : c 
____is used as adrenergic drug.
a) Ephedra b) Physostigma
c) Pilocarpus d) belladonna
 Ans : d
____is not used as CNS depressant. 
a) Hyoscyamine b) Belladonna
c) coffee d) Opium
Ans :  
Drug do not used as anticancer : 
a) Podophyllum b) Curare
c) Camptotheca d) Taxus
 Ans : b
Drug is not used as antirheumatic : 
a) Quassia b) Aconite 
c) Colchicum d) Guggul
 Ans : d
Drug is used as emetic : 
a) Agar b) Isapghul
c) Ipecas d) Banana
Ans : c
Drug is used as bronchodilator :
a) Tea b) Liquorice
c) Ipecacuanha d) Vasaka
 Ans : c
Drug is used as antimalerial :
a) Ashwagandha b) Tulsi
c) Ginseng d) Artemesia
Ans : d 
Is not the function of cell wall of the plant? 
a). Protect the protoplast
b) Provide mechanical support to the organ 
c) check the rate of transpiration 
d) Give green colour to leaf
 Ans : b

Alkaloids are ________ type of substances. 
a) Acid b) Neutral 
c) Chemical d) Basic nitrogenous
 Ans : d
glycosides are condensation products of : 
a) Sugar + aglycone b) Sugar + Protein 
c) Protein + aglycone d) Fats + aglycone
 Ans : a
Tannins give colour with iron compound : 
a) Pale yellow b) Blue black 
c) Light pink d) Orange
Ans : c
The example of capsule fruit is : 
a) Radish b) Mustard
c) Cabbage d) Datura
 Ans : a
Flower bud of drug showing medicinal importance: 
a) saffrom b) Clove
c) Fig d) Caraway
Ans : b
The term Aril means : 
a). Outgrowth originating from micropyle
b) Succulent growth from hileum
c) Enlarged funicle
d) Stiff bristle like appendages 
Ans : b
The term Arillode means : 
a). Outgrowth from micropyle
b) Stiff bristle like appendages 
c) Warty outgrowth 
d) Enlarged funicle 
Ans : b
Drug is not an example of organized crude drug : 
a) Digitalis b) Cinchona
c) Aloe d) Clove
Ans : a
Drug is not an example of unorganized crude drug : 
a) Cinchona b) Aloe
c) Agar d) Colophony
 Ans : a
Balsams contains mainly acids : 
a). acetic acid + Benzoic acid
b) Cinnamic acid + hydrochloric acid 
c) benzoic acid + Sulphuric acid
d) benzoic acid + Cinnamic acid 
Types of drug Example 
 a) Vegetable drug i) Honey bees 
 b) Animal drug ii) Arsenic oxide
 c) Mineral and metal iii) Belladonna
 Ans : a) iii b) i. c) ii
 a) Hippocrates i) 384-322 B.C.
 b) Aristotle ii) 40-80 A.D. 
 c) Discorides iii) 400-360 B.C.
 d) Galen iv) 131-200 A.D.
 Ans: a) iii b) i. c) ii d) iv
3. Morphological class of drug Example
 a) Roots i) Quassia
 b) Woods ii) Turmeric
 c) Rhizomes iii) Karachi
 d) Bark iv) Rauwolfia
 Ans: a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii
4. Morphological class of drug Example
 a) Gums i) Acacia
 b) Dried extract ii) Gelatin
 c) Dried juice iii) Kino
 Ans : a) i. b) ii c) iii

Class Example
a) Seeds i) Vasaks
b) Leaves ii) Coriander
c) Fruits iii) Pyrethrum
d) Flowers iv) Isapgol
Ans: a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii
6. Class Example
 a) Lipids i) Bees wax
 b) Resins ii) Bees was
 c) Volatile oil iii) Garlic
 Ans : a) i. b) ii c) iii
7. Class Example
 a) Glycosides i) Cinchona
 b) Alkaloids ii) Digitalis
 c) Tannins iii) Ashoka
 d) Carbohydrates iv) Guar gum
 Ans: a) ii b) i. c) iii d) iv
8. Class Example
 a) Emetics i) Castor oil
 b) Purgative ii) Cardamom
 c) Carminative iii) Cinchona
 d) Bitters iv) Ipecacuanha
 Ans : a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii
9. Class Example
 a) Expectorant i) Tea
 b) Antitussive ii) Opium
 c) Anitexpectorant iii) Starmonium
 d) Bronchodilator iv) Vasaka
 Ans : a) iv b) ii c) iii d) i
10. Pharmacological action Example
 a) Anticholinergic i) Physostigmina
 b) Cholinergic ii) Datura
 c) Adrenergic iii) Opium
 Ans : a) ii b) i. c) iii

11. Drug Epidermal structure
 a) Digitalis i) Wavy
 b) Hyoscyamus ii) Wavy and striated cuticle
 c) belladonna iii) striated walled and polygonal 
 d) Senna iv) Thick walled beaded
 Ans : a) iv b) i. c) ii d) iii

Select the correct answer out of the given choices
Protoalkaloids are also called as : 
a) Amino alkaloid b) Pseudo alkaloid
c) True alkaloid d) Extra alkaloid
Ans : a
True alkaloids are always present in plants as: 
a) Salts of inorganic acid b) Salts of organic acid
c) Salts of me conic acid d) Salts of benzoic acid
 Ans: b
the example of pseudoalkaloid : 
a) Caffeine b) Hygrine
c) Arecoline d) Lobeline
Ans : a
Which drug is not under the chemical class of indole?
a) Quinidine b) Quinine
c) Atropine d) camptothecin
Ans : c
The ring structure present in strychnine : 
a) Indole b) Pyrrole
c) Pyridine d) Piperidine
Ans : a
Drug is an example of amino alkaloid : 
a) Ephedrine b) Aconine
c) Caffeine d) Theophylline
Ans : b
Deadly Nightshade is the synonym of the drug : 
a) Datura b) Belladonna
c) Cinchona d) Coca
Ans : b
Family of the Vinka : 
a) Rubiaceae b) Solanaceae
c) Apocyanaceae d) Erythroxylaceae
Ans : c
Which is not the use of argot?
a) Oxytocin b) Prevent post partum hemorrhage
c) Migraine d) Laxative
Ans : d
Nux vomica is not used as: 
 a) CNS stimulant b) bitter stomachic
 c) Tonic d) Expectorant
 Ans : 
11. Family of Ipecac is : 
 a) Rubiaceace b) Theaceae
 c) Solanceae d) Acantheceae
 Ans: a
Which is not the use of Stramonium ?
a) Anticholinergic b) Mydriatic
c) Antiadrenergic d) Control of Motion sickness
Ans : c
Which is not the chemical constituent naturally obtained from Opium? 
a) Morphine b) Codeine
 c) Narcotine c) Heroine
 Ans : d
Which is the active chemical constituent obtained from Ipecac ?
a) Cephaeline b) Berberine
c) Hydrastine d) Tropane
Ans : a
Thorn apple is the synonym for the drug: 
a) Belladonna b) Cinchona
c) Datura d) Stramonium
Ans : d

Which drug is not belonging to family Apocyanaceae ?  
a) Vinca b) rauwolfia
c) Kurchi d) Gloriosa
Ans : d 
Which is not the biological source of Cinchona ?
a) Cinchona calisaya b) cinchona officinalis
c) Cinchona succirubra d) Cinchona indica
Ans : d
Which ergot alkaloid is water-soluble ?
a) Ergotamine b) Ergosine
c) Ergocristine d) Ergometrine
Ans : d
Ergometrine alkaloid shows : 
a) Laevo b) Dextro
c) Racemic mixture d) Trans
Ans : a
Ergometrine shows configuration : 
a) Laevo b) Dextro
c) Racemic Mixture d) trans
Ans : b
Ergot contains large number of indole alkaloids, which are the derivatives of : 
a) Lysergic acid b) Benzoic acid
c) Cinnamic acid d) Meconic acid
Ans : a
Which forms of the ergot alkaloids are especially important? 
a) Laevo b) Dextro
c) cis d) trans
Ans : a 
How many pairs of alkaloid are present Ergot ?
a) Five b) Four
c) Three d) Six
Ans : d
Ergot powder gives blue color with : 
Ans : a
Van-Urks reagent chemically is : 
Benzoic acid+Cinnamic acid 
P-dimethylbenzoic acid 
Ans : a 
Ergometrine gives fluorescence in water : 
a) Yellow b) Green
c) Red d) Blue
Ans : d 
Crow fig is the synonym for the drug: 
a) Strychnous nux vomica b) Rauwolfia sepentina
c) Rauwolfia densiflora d) Rauwolfia vometoria
Ans : a
Stychnous nux vomica belongs to family : 
a) Scrophulareaceae b) Liliaceae
c) Apocyanaceae d) Loganiaceae
Ans : d
One of the following microscopic characters not associated with 
Nux Vomica is : 
Epidermis consist of lignified trichomes
Epidermis is followed by layer of collapsible cells 
Endosperm shows presence of plasmodesma 
Calcium oxalate crystal and starch grain are present
Ans : d
Lignified trichomes is characteristic of drug : 
 a) Catharanthus b) Cassia angustifolia
 c) Strychnous nux vomica d) Digitalis purpurea
When the transverse section of nux vomica is treated with ammonium vanadate and sulphuric acid, the endospermic cells show purple colour, due to presence of : 
a) Strychnine b) Brucine
c) a-Coubrine d) B-coubrine
Ans : a

When the transverse section of nux vomica is treated with nitric acid, it shows yellow colour due to presence of : 
a) Strychnine b) Brucine
c) a-Coubrine d) B-coubrine
Ans : b
31. Biological source of nux vomica is : 
a) Strycnous nux vomica b) Strychnous potatorum
c) Strychnous nux blanda d) strychnous wallichiana
Ans : a
The important chemical constituents of rauwolfia is : 
a) Reserpine b) Resercinnamine
c) Ajamalicine d) Desperidine
Ans: a
Reserpine, when treated with solution of vanillin in acetic acid shows colour
 a) Red b) Green
 c) Blue d) Pink 
 Ans : a  
Diacetyl derivative of morphine is : 
a) Codeine b) Heroin
c) Papaverine d) Thebaine
Ans : b
The opium alkaloids are present in plant as salt of : 
a) Benzoic acid b) Tartaric acid
c) Meconic acid d) Acetic acid
 Ans : c
Opium when dissolved in water and filtrate is treated with ferric chloride solution, it shows____________colour : 
a) Reddish purple b) Green
c) Yellow d) Orange
Ans : a
Which compound is showing the most potent analgesic property?
a) Heroin b) Morphine
c) Codeine d) Papaverine
Ans : a
Trukish opium is commonly known as: 
a) Chemist opium b) Druggist opium
c) Chinese opium d) Chemist and druggist
Ans : b
Cephaelis Ipecacuanha belongs to family: 
a) Rubiaceae b) Liliacaceae
c) Apocyanaceae d) Rutaceae
Ans : a 
Which is not the characteristic feature of alkaloid ? 
Complex molecular structure and nitrogen in the molecule 
Basic in nature
Biosynthetically derived
Acidic in nature only
Ans : d
Jesuits bark is synonym of : 
a) Coca leaves b) Ipecacuanha
c) Cinchona d) Calumba 
Ans : c
Which alkaloid is not present in cinchona bark? 
a) Quinidine b) Quinine
c) Quinovin d) Cinchonin
Ans : c
Which species of cinchona contains highest percentage alkaloid ?
a) cinchona succirubra b) Cinchona officinalis
c) Cinchona calisaya d) Cinchona ledgeriana
Ans : a 
Which is not the prominent chemical constituent in Ipecac?
a) Emetine b) Pyschotrine
c) Cephaeline d) Cinchonine
Ans : d
The pharmacological action of Ipecac: 
a) Stimulant b) Emetic
c) Sedative d) Hypnotic
Ans : b
Papaverine, narcotine and narceine is under the chemical class: 
a) Quinoline b) Benzyl isoquinoline
c) Isoquinoline d) Benzophenone
Ans : c
Papaverine shows pharmacological activity: 
a) Spasmolytic b) Emetic
c) Antitussive d) Antipyretic
  Ans : a 
In UV light Ergot shows fluorescence : 
a) Yellow b) Blue
c) Red d) Violet 
Ans : c
Adulterants of rauwolfia serpentine are distinguished on the basis of : 
a) Presence of sclernchyma b) Absence of sclerenchyma 
c) Presence of parenchyma d) Absence of parenchyma
Ans : a
Glycoside present in stychnous nux vomica : 
a) Strychnine b) Brucine
c) Ajmaline d) Loganine
Ans : d
Major pharmacological action of Ephedrine : 
a) Kidney failure b) Anti-inflammatory
c) Heart failure d) Bronchial asthma
Ans : d   
Morphine contains main nucleus : 
a) Phenanthrene b) Anthracene
c) Naphthalene d) Naphthacene
Ans : a
The characteristic not associated with alkaloids: 
They all contain nitrogen 
Most of non-volatile alkaloids are solid
All the alkaloid contains sulphur 
They are physiologically active
Ans : c
Thalleoquin test contain reagents: 
Bromine water + Few drops of ammonia 
Potassium permanganate + Few drops of ammonia
Bromine water + Nitric acid
Bromine water + Sodium hydroxide
Ans : a
Thalleoquin test is used for identification of : 
a) Atropine b) Vincristine
c) Quinine d) Strychnine
Ans : c 


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