Estradiol known as 17-β-Estradiol most imp Estrogen produced in Ovary…
principle Estrogen in Postmenopausal women…
Estrone have 1/3rd potency of Estradiol…
primary circulating Estrogen after Menopause.
Estriol, metabolite of Estradiol produced by Placenta...
Estrone & Equilin prep used in HRT (Hormone replacement therapy)
Tamoxifene & Raloxifene; Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator…nonsteroidal..exert estrogenic or Antiestrogenic effects…
MOA=bind to sex hormone in plasma...diffuse across cell memb...bind to nuclear
protein.. Two estrogen receptor α & β…α-receptor is CLASSIC receptor…α-receptor
promote Transcription while β- contain REPRESSER domain….result in synthesis of
different protein…
T.E= used for Contraception& Postmeopausal hormone therapy..prevention of
S.E= nausea, breast tenderness….
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator
Toremifene is an orphan drug…
MOA=bind to estrogen different effects…Raloxifene exhibit of
anatagonism of Estrogen...decrease bone resorption & bone turnover...lower cholesterol
and LDL
Clomiphene partial agonist…interfere with negative feedback of Estrogen
T.E= Tamoxifene used in Metastatic breast cancer...Raloxifene for prophylaxis of
breast cancer….Clomiphene used to treat Infertility…
S.E= Tamoxifene cause hot flushes, nausea, Vaginal bleeding, menstrual irregularities
Raloxifene cause leg cramps, hot flush, pulmonary embolism, deep-vein thrombosis..
Clomiphene risk of twins or triplets
Progestrone=produced in response to LH…Both inmale & female…develop sec
endometrium for new Embryo….high level produced in Menses…continue the
1)increase Glycogen thrpugh insulin-mediated mechanism…
2) decrease Na+ reabsorption in kidney due to competition with Aldosterone at Mineralocorticoid receptor.
3) Increase in body temp…
4) decreases in plasma Amino acid
5) increase excretion of urinary nitrogen
T.E= for contraception, dysmenorrheal, infertility, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
S.E= weight gain, depression, change in libido, acne, hirsutism…Medroxyprogestrone
cause risk of Osteoporosis…
Antiprogestin Mifepristone = Progestrone antagonist…potent Glucocorticoid
activity…cause Abortion.
Drugs decrease fertility by preventing ovulation, impairing Gametogenesis, interfering
with Gestation
1) Combination Oral Contraceptive= combination of Progestine &Estrogen
Monophasic combination; Estrogen + Progestin over 21 days
Triphasic combination; contant dose of Estrogen + increasing dose of Progestin over 21days
2) Transdermal patch=Ethinyl Estradiol + Norelgestromin for 3 week...4 week bleeding
3) Vaginal ring= Ethinyl Estradiol + Etonogestrel for 3 week
4) Progestin-only pills= Norethindrone5) Injectable Progestin= Medroxyprogestrone acetate inj..every 3month…
6) Progestin implants= tonogesterl 4cm cap for 3year….
7) Progestin Intrauterine Device= Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine sys...upto 5yr..
8) Postcoital Contraception=called emergencycontraceptive…high dose of progestin
(0.75mg) or high dose of Estrogen (100ug) within 72hr of intercourse…
MOA=Estrogen negative feedback on LH & FSH , inhibit ovulation….Progestin inhibit LH
release & thickness...inhbit transport of sperm…..
S.E= depression, fluid retention, thromboembolism, hyprtension, M.I, OVARIAN CANCER, Cervical cancer due to Human Papilloma virus…abnormal glucose intolerance contraindicated in pregnancy, liver disease, cerebrovascular..
Group of steroid have anabolizng & masculinizing effects in both male & female…
Testosterone produced by Leyding cells…
MOA= bind to specific receptor...diffuse into prostate,skin, seminal vesicle...convert into
In brain, liver adipose tissue converted into Aromatose…bind to DNA ...specific protein
T.E= increase androgen secretions in Hypogonadism….treat Senile Osteoporosis…
Donazol used in Endometriosis & breast disease….DihydroEpiAndrosterone (DHEA)
P.K= I.M inj…alkylation at 17α position
S.E= growth of facial hair, acne, impotence, gynecomastia, abuse by athletes
Interfere with synthesis of Androgens or blocking their receptor….Finnastride &
Dutasteroid……used in Prostatic cancer
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