TOXICOLOGY - Summarize List of issues Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods
Toxicity = Inherent capacity of chemical to cause injur...dose & duration dependent
Acute toxicity: conversion of Xenobiotics into Nucleophilic specie
Chronic toxicity: conversion of Xenobiotics into Electrophilic specie
Warfarin is Rodenticide...Malathion Θ AcetylCholinEsterase, Ach toxicity
Asbestos is Carcinogenic
CCL4: from consumption of Contaminated water...cause Irritation of Eyes & Respiratory
Chloroform:Hepaatotoxic, Nephrotoxic
Benzene: Hematopoietic toxicity...Agranulocytosis, Leukopenia
Toluene: CNS impair Speech, hearing, vision
Methanol (Wood Alchol) & Ethylene Glycol: Methanol oxidizes into Formic acid...
Ethylene Glycol oxidized into Glycolic, Oxalic, and Glyxolic acid
Isopropnol: metabolize into Acetone, then COOH, cause Acedemia
Organophosphate & Carbmate= Inseecticides....ΘAcetylCholinesterase
Pyrethroids: Insecticide...↑Na+...Convulsion, itching...S.E; Contact Dermatitis, Asthma
Rotenone: Insectiside... ΘNAD+ by ↓O2
Lead: Child more susceptible...Cause Hypochromic Microcystic Anemia, Constipation,
lower IQ, Convulsion...
Mercury : Memory loss, ↓verbal skills, inflammation of Kidney...Paresthesia, Vision,
mental confusion
Cadmium : from Fertilizer & Menure, Cigerette smoke...Bind to Melatothionin
CO=bind to Hb....Hypoxia, Dyspnea, Lethargy, seizure
Cyanide : bind to Metalloenzyme....ΘCytochrome a3...ΘCellular respiration
Silica=cause Silicosis”Lung disease, Fibrosis, Emphysema
Asbestos: Lung cancer
MDMA=methyleneDioxyMethAmphetamine central stimulant...used in “RAVE” parties
γ-HydroxyButyric acid= GHB rapidly abuse activate GABA B
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